Now that your parade float is just about ready (please read our awesome guides and tips on how to build parade floats), now is the perfect time to pick what other accessories you can add to make your float stand out. A Parade Float Mascot can be a great addition!
One popular method is to use mascots. But what are mascots exactly? And how can they help you gain and retain the audience’s attention?
- -Mascots are branding elements used for merchandising, advertising or promoting a company or organization. They become that company’s representative, symbol or communication link to the public.
-In the past, mascots are thought to be bringers of good luck, the idea of which can still apply now. Mascots that are able to resonate with the public raises the public’s awareness of the company, directly or indirectly, affecting the company’s popularity, rise in sales, etc.
-They function as ambassadors of goodwill to spectators and audience. This is especially true during games or exhibitions where people can have their photos taken with the team mascot. A friendly mascot somehow paints a picture of the friendliness and approachability of the team or company it represents.