Orange and White Vinyl Car Parade Decorating Kit | Parade Float Supplies Now
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Orange and White Vinyl Car Parade Decorating Kit

Create a car "float" that matches your school or team colors, event colors, or holiday colors with this Orange and White Vinyl Car Parade Decorating Kit. The kit includes two 4" x 25' orange vinyl twists and three 15" wide x a 10' long white vinyl fringe. Use the fringe to cover the undercarriage of the car; use the twists to line the edges of the roof, loop around the windows, and more. The orange and white color scheme of this kit is perfect for Halloween parades!

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Orange and White Vinyl Car Parade Decorating Kit
Orange and White Vinyl Car Parade Decorating Kit
Orange and White Vinyl Car Parade Decorating Kit
Orange and White Vinyl Car Parade Decorating Kit
Create a car "float" that matches your school or team colors, event colors, or holiday colors with this Orange and White Vinyl Car Parade Decorating Kit. The kit includes two 4" x 25' orange vinyl twists and three 15" wide x a 10' long white vinyl fringe. Use the fringe to cover the undercarriage of the car; use the twists to line the edges of the roof, loop around the windows, and more. The orange and white color scheme of this kit is perfect for Halloween parades!

Orange and White Vinyl Car Parade Decorating Kit

ZoomOrange and White Vinyl Car Parade Decorating Kit
Orange and White Vinyl Car Parade Decorating Kit
Orange and White Vinyl Car Parade Decorating Kit
Orange and White Vinyl Car Parade Decorating Kit
Orange and White Vinyl Car Parade Decorating Kit


Production Time: 2 Business Days

Price: $59.99



Total: $59.99
Purchase components separately
White Vinyl Fringe
White Vinyl Fringe

Was: $14.99
Now: $12.99
You Save: $2.00 or 13%

Orange Vinyl Twist
Orange Vinyl Twist

Price: $16.99

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